Factors that Affect a Self-Loading Concrete Mixer Price

The construction industry has seen a dramatic change over the past several decades, both in the techniques, equipment, and machinery used in construction projects. Thanks to innovation and technological advancements, this domain has experienced vast changes, leading to the introduction of machines that were once seen as far-fetched like the self-loading concrete mixer. This is one of the most flexible mixers with the ability to rotate up to 270 degrees, making concrete feeding and discharging more convenient than ever.
AS-3.5 self loading mixer machine

Various factors affect the price

As a person running a construction business, this is one of those machines you would want in your arsenal. With every other product, however, you need to know the cost and what affects it in order to make the right investment decision. The price of a concrete mixer depends on several factors. The size of the concrete batching plant determines its production capacity, which is an important factor in determining the cost. Generally, large plants cost more than small ones, and they are easier to transport. However, if you’re looking for an affordable plant that still produces quality concrete, you should focus on the price. Here are some tips to help you make the right decision.
3.5m3 self loading mixer

The size affects the price

The size of the concrete mixer is also an important factor. Small plants can be quite expensive, as the delivery truck delivery can be time-consuming. However, a large batch plant can produce high quantities. With a large batch size, a larger concrete plant has a larger capacity and can be more affordable. The size and type of the plant should be determined before choosing a concrete mixing plant.

The cost of raw materials affect the price

The cost of the raw materials used in a concrete production plant will vary widely depending on the type of concrete you need. The quality of cement will influence the final price of the product. While the amount of labor required is similar for concrete plants, the cost of a high-quality batching plant is significantly higher. It is important to consider this when comparing prices because the quality of the concrete will determine the cost of the project.
AS-1.8 self loading mixer

The quantity of concrete mixture affect the price

Another factor that influences the cost of a self loading concrete mixer with pump in AIMIX is the quantity of concrete required. A high concentration of concrete mixing plants can negatively affect demand in certain regions. If the price of concrete is too high, lenders may opt for more conservative advance rates. Therefore, you should consider the amount of concrete you need for a project and calculate the quantity by depth. If the costs of ready-mix concrete are too high, you may need to choose different equipment.

The price of a concrete plant will depend on the type of cement. A dry batching plant is cheaper than a wet one. The costs of these two types of plants are based on the brand and the features they offer. The quality of the concrete will determine the cost, and the grade and quantity of the concrete will affect the pricing.

These factors affect almost every concrete making or mixing plant in the industry and considering them will help you make the best choice and avoid unforeseen expenses.