4 Features That Determine the Price of a Concrete Pump Machine

Most people, while buying concrete pump machines, compare their prices according to different brands. While brand name is one of the price determinants, it is not the ultimate factor based on which the cost of concrete pumps depends. In fact, there are various other factors that you should consider while comparing the price of different concrete pump machines.

1. Volume

The volume or capacity of the pump is the first thing that will come to your mind when you compare the prices. Pump machines with more volume will have a higher price. Usually, construction companies that have year-long projects should invest in a concrete pump machine with a higher capacity.

Apart from volume, mobility is another factor that determines the price of a concrete pump. Stationary concrete pump machines are reasonably priced compared to their mobile counterparts. In fact, an average-sized mobile concrete pump may cost more than a heavy-duty stationary pump.

ABJZ30C diesel cement mixer pump
ABJZ30C diesel cement mixer pump

2. Automated control

It is quite easy to compare the prices of different concrete pump machines according to their volumes, but if you look at their advanced features, you will understand why a regular pump has a comparatively low price than one with advanced functions. Hydraulic oil-level automatic detection is one of the crucial parts of a concrete pump these days. Yes, it does increase the price slightly but if you want your concrete pump to last for years, don’t hesitate to spend a few extra bucks for this feature.

These concrete pumps provide hydraulic oil-level automatic detection and heat dissipation technology with real-time protection facilities. Of the three types of pumps (manual, semi-automated, and fully automated), go for the fully automated models because they come with the unique function of providing real-time protection to the pump’s hydraulic system.

3. Chassis

The chassis works almost like the volume of the concrete pump. The better the chassis, the higher the price of the pump machine. Each concrete pump relies on its bearing capacity to work its engine. It is essential for the engine and chassis to work smoothly. Otherwise, the pump will malfunction after a few days.

ABT40C diesel concrete trailer pump
ABT40C diesel concrete trailer pump

A low-quality chassis will never be able to support a heavy-duty pump. Therefore, manufacturers need to provide adequate chassis depending on the capacity of the pump machine. When you compare the prices, make sure you check the capacity and chasing power in detail.

4. Hydraulic control

Hydraulic control is another advanced feature determines the price of a concrete pump machine. Like the chassis, it contributes significantly to the price of the pump. Hydraulic control allows you to reduce the pump’s troubleshooting time by 40 to 50%. Therefore, you will not have to spend hours to understand the precise location of the disputed part. The intelligent control system reduces the risks of electricity failure while using the pump.

With the features in mind, you can now compare the prices of different concrete pumps like a pro. Make sure you keep these factors in mind as they, along with the brand name, determines the price of concrete pumps.